AgriBio Innovations is efforts to motivate the scholars and researchers towards the scientific attitude. It is Annual journal and invites original work in the following field i.e. all branches of Agriculture & Biology. Article can be research papers, review papers, or short communications. Research papers should be Original, indicating the period (years) of experimentation, based on data of minimum two years and for full research paper work must not be of more than 5 years old. The review papers, research papers, and short communications should not exceed 30, 20 and 5 typed pages including tables, illustrations, drawings and graphs. Authors are required to sign a copyright form granting the Publisher rights for all papers accepted for publication. Production will not start until we have received of a signed copyright form.


 Title and authors names and address with all author email must be given in the front page. This must be followed by the abstract on separate page. Thereafter, material and method, results and discussion, acknowledgements, references. Tables, photographs and all figures including drawings, graphics, and diagrams must be attached after the references.


Title should be short, specific and informative. The title page should include the names (s) of author(s), affiliation, and mailing address with e-mail of corresponding author, a running short title not exceeding 40 characters. By-line should contain the place (organization) where research was conducted.


  Abstract written in complete and simple sentence, should not be more than 150 words. It includes Background, Aim, Material and methods, Result, Conclusion.

Key words (maximum 7) must be given, and these should appear just beneath the abstract.


Introduction part should be brief and limited to the problem or the aim and scope of the experiment.

Material and Methods

Material and Methods relevant details should be given including experimental design and the technique (s) used along with appropriate statistical methods used clearly along with the year of experimentation (field and laboratory).

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion should be combined to avoid repetitions. Result should be supported by brief but advocate tables or graphic or pictorial presentation wherever necessary.

Self-explanatory should be typed on separate sheets, tables should fix in the normal page layout. All recent relevant literature should be discussed critically. All figures including drawings, graphics, and diagrams should be formatted preferably by MS-Word. If drawn in Excel the data file may also be submitted along with graphs. Scanned images of photographs must be in minimum 300dpi resolution softcopy in tiff or .jpeg should be submitted.

A line drawing and photographs must have legends. Original artwork should accompany two copies. Repetition in graphic and tabular matter ought to be avoided.


The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section.

Future Scope

Future scope must be added for further studies. Authors may use this section to provide a summary providing context and implications of the research, and future challenges and opportunities, seminal discoveries highlighted in the field, implications to the wider community and/or potential future directions.


The style quoting should be as follows
Research article:

Grochulski, P., Masson, L., Borisova, S., Pusztai, M. C., Schwarta, J. L., Brousseau R. & Cygler, M. (1995). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A (a) insecticidal toxin: Crystal structure and channel formation. Journal of Molecular Biology, 254(2), 447-464.

Proceedings/Seminar/Conference papers:
Estruch, J., Warren, G. W., Mullins, M. A., Nye, G. J. Craig, J. A. & Joziel, H. G. (1996). Transgenic Plants: An emerging approach to pest control. In: Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 1995, USA, 93, 5369-5395.

Book and chapters:
Winston, J. E. (1999). Describing Species. Columbia University Press, New York pp.518.
Stork, N. (1997). Measuring Global Biodiversity and its Decline (Eds. Reakakudla, M.L., Wilson, D.E. and Wilson, E.O.) Biodiversity II, Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC, p.41-68.


The acknowledgement should be brief and must be written about the original supporters of the work and to the reputed institutions.

Conflict of interest

All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that can influence their work.

Funding of research

Mention the funding agency.


Mention the dedication for work.

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